søndag den 11. november 2012

Festskrift til Marjorie Perloff via Jacket2

Festskrift til Marjorie Perloff i forbindelse med optagelsen som medlem af American Philosophical Society - stort tillykke!


On the unoriginal genius of Marjorie Perloff Jerome McGann
Sound bytes and computer blips Dee Morris
On 'The Poetics of Indeterminacy' Joan Retallack
The contemporary of our grandchildren Richard Sieburth
For Marjorie Maggie O'Sullivan
Perloff and/in France Jan Baetens
Ways of reading: Marjorie Perloff and the sublimity of pragmatic criticism Charles Bernstein
Marjorie Perloff: Die Dichtung und das Ding (poetry and the thing) Vanessa Place
Four wheels and a broken glass Caroline Bergvall
'Radical Artifice' Johanna Drucker
'The Poetics of Indeterminacy: Rimbaud to Cage' Stephen Fredman
Becoming Marjorie Perloff Brian Reed
The unprepared future of an exophonic refugee Al Filreis
'The Futurist Moment' Jean-Michel Rabaté
Marjorie Perloff's 21st-century modernism Peter Nicholls
Close, very close Peter Middleton
Marjorie Perloff: A bibliographic essay J. Gordon Faylor

Futurism and schism Marjorie Perloff

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